Perspectives Into Myself
Of a human heart
Here's the man I love,
haunting me in sleep:
embedded in a memory.
How far before the night unfolds,
waking sleeping suns
forgotten in the ocean's tide?
Nothing more than this:
forbidden, yet insistent:
the power of a human heart.
Vanessa Raney, 2008
I love him. He is my heart. |
But, also, the bond is there because of the baby we lost; I miscarried in California. |
To Return the Eye
“A Trip to the Moon” took a piece of it,
which sought to travel alone
but attached as the “Eye-Balloon”.
“Everywhere Eyeballs Are Ablaze,”
the eye began to look upward,
needing to feel whole again.
However, “The Misshapen Polyp Floated on the Shores,
a Sort of Smiling and Hideous Cyclops”
still yearning for its true self in the heavens.
The moon holding sway over the earth,
one day a giant came to return the eye,
who swam toward it eagerly and free.
Faith intervened with the eye,
who found a partner to read man’s soul,
predicting “Things to Come.”
From “The False Mirror,”
the eye saw white cloud screens
against blue veils of home. Thus,
the eye made itself a black cloak
which the giant spun
to reconnect it with the moon.
Vanessa Raney
2007, all rights reserved.
Here are some of my favorite movies:
The Last Airbender (M. Night Shyamalan
finally delivers!), Karate Kid (2010 version, a remake that's better than the original!), Diary of
a Wimpy Kid (great comedy that's fun for children and adults), Repo Men (great action flick with decent blood/fighting/acting/etc.!),
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (if it's not a contender for best picture, something's wrong!), Cloudy with
a Chance of Meatballs in 3D (really amazing artwork and a decent script!), My Bloody Valentine 3D (my first
ever 3D movie - and I liked it!), Drive Thru, High School Musical 2 (overall, good script, but it's the
music that sells it), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Accepted, Waking Life, 12
Monkeys, The Dark Crystal, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Beauty and the Beast (Disney),
The Bone Collector, Fat Albert, House of Cards (with Kathleen Turner), Legend (with Tom
Cruise), Remember the Titans, Poltergeist, Fame, The Neverending Story, Van Helsing
(the 2004 release, for getting Frankenstein right), Legally Blonde, Grease (original)
Here are some of my favorite actors:
Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman
Here are some of my favorite songs:
"Waiting Outside the Lines" (Greyson Chance), "Open Your Eyes" (Goldfinger), "Never Say Never" (Justin Bieber and Jaden
Smith), "Weighty Ghost" (Wintergreen), "The Climb" (Miley Cyrus), "Yallah" (Doa - Turkish language; see, "Sound of Madness" (Shinedown), "Into the Ocean" (Blue October), "Here I Go Again" (Whitesnake), "All These Things That
I've Done" (The Killers), "Take Me As I Am" (Mary J. Blige), "What Do Ya Think About That" (Montgomery Gentry), "Waiting
on the World to Change" (John Mayer), "Snow (Hey Oh)" (Red Hot Chili Peppers), "One Little Slip" (Barenaked Ladies), "Life
Less Ordinary" (Carbon Leaf), "Because of You" (Kelly Clarkson), "Welcome to My Life" (Simple Plan), "Boulevard of Broken
Dreams" (Green Day), "Nobody's Home" (April Lavigne), "angels would fall" (melissa etheridge), "Place in This World" (Michael
W. Smith), "Sally's Pigeons" (Cyndi Lauper)
Here are some of my favorite authors:
Ayn Rand (you need Atlas Shrugged
to get The Fountainhead, which got me going "Whoa" at the end; as a creator, I could relate to the destructive
desires in refusing to compromise for others desperate to change people to fit a collective norm than allowing for individuality), T.S.
Eliot, J.K. Rowling, June Jordan (her children's stories and librettos), Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, Nathaniel
Hawthorne, e.e. cummings, George Orwell, Margaret Atwood (esp. The Robber Bride), Jean-Paul Sartre (performed from
Huis Clos and placed 2nd in the 1993 Texas French Symposium), Rob Sato (love Burying Sandwiches)