Here's a link to a site that I look at every day:
Here's a link to my favorite online site for renting movies:
Here's a link to a great math Website:
Here are environmentally-related research links:
NSCEP/NEPIS - EPA's Gateway to Free Digital & Paper Publications
Here are links to research-related sites:
The British Library
Foreign Doctoral Dissertations
ProQuest Digital Dissertations
Here's a link to a source for back issues of journals, etc.:
Here are links to research- and comics-related sites:
Australasian Digital Theses Program
The Comics Reporter
Comics-Related Dissertations and Theses
(my Page for links to info. on other Websites)
Here's a link to my online comic:
Here are links to my top online booksellers:
Here are links to cool Websites for arcade games:
Here are links to miscellaneous things:
Chris D. Vighagen
Nekkid Radio