Vanessa Raney

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These photos show me at different stages and ages. As it amuses me, I will change them up and add new ones. ;)

Me at my fun.
This pic was taken on the night my friend Ted and I saw *The Soloist*.

Age: 32

Me at my entertained.
Here, I'm at the cinemaplex waiting to watch *My Bloody Valentine 3D*. Recommend it! :)

Age: 32

Me at my vulnerability.
For everything I am, I'm still human.

Age: 30

Me at my dishevelled.
This is what my hair looks like a year after I last shaved it.

Age: 30

Another interesting thing I've discovered since shaving my hair in 2006: hair grows back in layers. I haven't cut it at all since Apr. 2006, and this because my mom asked me not to. The only downfall to having a bald head is that it makes you cold even if you're otherwise warm. The second time, a barber shaved it with an electric razor; this was four months later. Men, tell me: How do you stand it? It stings. :)

Me at my appreciativeness.
My friend Ted gave me this water-filled swan vase with a real yellow rose and tiny white flowers.

Age: 32

Me at my shyness.

Age: 32

From May 2008:

Me at my composition.

Age: 31

Me at my daring.
This was taken in the Arts and Humanities Office, Claremont Graduate University (2004).

Age: 27.
If you haven't already guessed that I really love this photo (for everything it stands for: creativity, defiance and fun), I do! :):):)

It's okay to smile. :)